Why Choose Sunny Day Beekeeping Bees?
Our Bees are VSH Missouri Mite Hunter Genetics
These Bees are 100% Missouri Raised Bees coming directly from Paul's Honey Farm in Clinton, Missouri
The Queens are F1 Daughters out of a Stevens Bee Co. Breeder Queen (Bloomfield, MO)
Queen Open Mated and produced by Paul's Honey Farm.
To read more about our partners scroll to the bottom of the page.
We are excited to be able to offer VSH Nucs again this year. The queens in these nucs will be the F1 (first generation) daughters of a artificially inseminated VSH Stevens Bee Co breeder queen. The breeder queens are tested by the queen breeder to insure VSH traits. The F1 Queens you will receive have been mating in Paul's Honey Farms Operation
and are specially bred for their natural resistance to Varroa mites, the number one cause of hive loss. These bees detect and remove Varroa mite-infested brood cells, promoting hive health and reducing the need for chemical treatments. Their resistance leads to stronger, more productive hives and sustainable beekeeping practices. Although VSH nucs are much better at controlling mite populations, testing for varroa mites and treating, if needed, is still recommended.
Our personal experience with VSH bees: We have been very happy with the VSH hives we have worked with both producers for multiple years and continuing to add VSH stock this to our yards this year. Their mite counts are lower and sometimes zero. We have also found them to be good honey producers.
Orders are not confirmed until full payment is received.
You will not get a refund if you fail to pick up your bees.
All Nucs will be Picked-Up in Henrietta, Missouri.
Arrival Date in Mid to Late May. Date will be set closer to time once we see what Missouri Weather has in store for our Spring

5 Frame Nucs Include:
1 Pro-Nuc Box
1 Missouri Mite Hunter VSH Queen
3.5+ Frames of Bees
2.5+ Frame of Brood
1+ Frame of Food
Mail in Check Pricing $225.00
Online Credit Card Pricing $232.00
Order online for both options
5 Frame Nuc Pre- Install Kit Include:
1 Waxed Dipped 10 Frame Deep Box
1 Crooked Hill Deluxe Telescoping Cover, Inner Cover, Deluxe Screen
Bottom Board (Waxed Dipped)
1 Missouri Mite Hunter VSH Queen
3.5+ Frames of Bees
2.5+ Frame of Brood
1+ Frame of Food
5 Assembled Frames of Foundation
Full Pre-payment is required for bees and single kits
5 Frame Nuc Pre-Installed in a Single
Mail in Check Price $385.00
Credit Card Rate $396.50
Equipment sales requires sales tax or a 149 form for sales tax exemption.
Please Contact us for ordering to invoice you correctly before purchase.

Box will be
waxed dipped not

2 Deluxe Hive Kits+ Nucs & Tools
Mail in Check Price $1,438.00
Credit Card Rate $1,480.00
50% Deposit Required at Time of Order
Equipment sales requires sales tax or a 149 form for sales tax exemption.
Please Contact us for ordering to invoice you correctly before purchase.
2 Hive Deluxe Kit
2 Deluxe Waxed Dipped Screen Bottom Boards
4 Waxed Dipped Commercial Grade Deep Boxes with Frames & Plastic Foundation
2 Frame Feeders
4 Waxed Dipped Commercial Grade Medium Honey Supers with Frames
1 Standard Hive Tool
1 Budget Grade Smoker
1 Bee Brush
1 set Leather Gloves
1 Vented Bee Suit
Looking For Different Hive Kit Options?
Give us a call or an email
Hive Kits are interchangeable
Box Style, Feeder Type, Tools Upgrade.
Pricing will vary based on options