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As a growing small company we do not always have items in stock. Contact us for availability.
Don't See Something? Contact us to see if we can order it for you.
 Free Pick up in Warrensburg, MO
Contact For Warrensburg Pick UP Days
 Free Delivery to most Midwestern Beekeepers Assn. and Johnson County Mo Beekeepers Meetings
 Thank You For Choosing Sunny Day Beekeeping!!!

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Store Hours

Please note call/text is the fastest way of contacting us.

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Our store is located in our home. We are open by appointment most days during certain times. Contact us for appointments. Let us know if your a beginner to schedule extra time so we can better assist you and answer your questions.
Appointment Availability (August- December.)
Please note these could change Please Call Ahead
Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays- Appointments Available.
Tuesdays & Thursdays- Usually Warrensburg Pick-Ups 

Saturdays & Sundays- Hours Vary Please Call
Please plan to schedule appointments at least 24 hours ahead of time if possible. 

Subscribe to Our Newsletter
The Sunny Day Newsletter is usually Monthly or Bi-Monthly depending on time of season
Newsletter Includes Educational Articles, Links to other beekeeping Articles, Product or Bee Order Updates 

Thanks for submitting!

Sunny Day Beekeeping LLC 

For All Your Beekeeping Needs

Kyle Day


(816) 654-5287 (Texted preferred if possible due to College Classes, or please leave a message if no answer, Thanks!) 

701 Jay Blvd. Henrietta, Missouri 64036

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